
Williamson-Like Critique

I am choosing this post instead of the traditional first post because I feel like the class was different from any other class I have taken based on the two rules of attendance not being mandatory and have soft deadlines. This was very interesting to me because the class is based on the economics of organizations but usually, organizations require attendance from their workers as well as more hard deadlines. It this class wanted to follow old school traditional way of how organizations work I would have probably expected required attendance as well as hard deadlines. As you see more and more jobs allow workers to work remotely you would think that they require hard deadlines to compensate. Usually, people that work remotely have to show their productively and I feel based on the assignments and the way blogs are graded for this class show that the class really focusses on our own personal growth, allowing us to increase our productivity over time. Also utilizing techn

Principal-Agent Model

Pre-Post For this post, I feel like you want us to discuss a time where an organization where I was in a triangle arrangement and the two principals I encountered had different views on what they wanted me to do. Their disagreement could take my work in two ways that could either benefit how I looked in front of corporate or how they looked in front of corporate. I would have to analyze the risks of analyzing taking one path versus the other and taking into account my benefits as well as the plant’s overall benefits when taken either path. I will also consider seniority in the process as well as the consequences of which path I chose. Then I will ask myself if there where other ways to complete the job and meet a compromise that would make both principals content. Then I will discuss if I as the agent favored one master over the other and if there was any tension with the path I chose. Then I will discuss the overall outcome of the situation and how it turned out.


Pre-Post For this prompt, I believe you want us to relate and experience which we experienced conflict either in the workplace or in an RSO and really dig deep into the origin of the conflict and how it started. While describing it from our perspective you also want us to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person that we experienced conflict with. Fully describing the conflict and the end result and how people reacted to the conflict once it became apparent to the group involved. I also am going to analyze the conflict relating it to some of the lenses is used in chapter 8 of Bolman and Deal. The chapter discusses the motives behind people's behavior and leadership styles and how conflict is handled in different ways based on leadership styles. Post At my Co-Op at Ashland, I asked by an engineer to send a sample to one of the labs in New Jersey for testing. The sample was of high priority and the task was to send a sample of a chemical called B1D ex